April 2023 Newsletter

And just like that Easter has been and gone, the April showers are living up to their name, and we are all searching for that warm spring sunshine to get a quick walk in on our lunch breaks!

We have had a great month at Flamingo and still have more to look forward to before we hit May – the month of 4-day weeks and Bank Holidays! 

We are attending the Midlands Business Networking Event this Friday!

You may remember from last month’s newsletter that we announced we are exhibiting at the Midlands Business Networking Event! It has come around so quickly, and we cannot wait to show off our new branding and our flamboyance of flamingos!

There are still tickets available, and it would be great to see you there so book yours today!

Oh, and they’re free!

Are you protected?

It can take just a couple of minutes for a cyber-attack to destroy your business. Why take the risk?

One of our clients Hubtel IT, is running a fantastic offer that you definitely don’t want to miss!

They are offering a free Cyber Security Review and Recommendation Report to the first 5 companies that reply to this email to claim it.

This report enables you to understand your IT resilience and get to grips with any cyber security vulnerabilities you may have.

It’s believed that around 80% of cyber-crime could have been prevented with basic security measures in place. With cyber-crime on the increase, now would be a good time for you to consider how effective your IT would be against such an attack on your business.

Interested in finding out how ‘protected’ you really are, email info@flamingostrategies.co.uk
or reply to the email you received from us and we’ll introduce you to the Hubtel team to claim your free report.

This one thing can make or break your marketing strategy…

“I don’t have a database!”

It’s a phrase we hear far too often from our new clients, and I’m here to tell you that if you’ve found yourself saying this, you’re likely to be wrong!

Whether it’s a list of customers, the email contacts in your sent box, or even your connections on LinkedIn, you can collate all of that data into one Excel spreadsheet and start marketing to the right people.

Data is the lifeblood of marketing, without it, there’s no doubt you’ll find your marketing strategies falling flat.

To learn more, you can view our recent blog here.

Employee happiness scores

Here at Flamingo, we really care about our team. After all, it’s the people that make a business successful! To ensure we have a great working environment and everyone is heard, we implemented an Employee happiness scoring system.

Scoring 9.55/10 gives us a great benchmark to start at - it’s a fantastic result that has flagged key areas to focus on improving.

Our ‘gaps’ are to do with how stressed they can feel with workloads and needing extra support from the team. Without this survey, perhaps this wouldn’t have been so clear! Do you know what your gaps would be in your business if you were to do this for your team?

This survey is about 15 questions long and we map it to our company values too, so it’s really good to see how well the team are performing, as well as how much they are enjoying their role.


If you’re interested in finding out how we did this, we are offering this as a service to anyone who has a team and wants a quarterly review and report.

Just email info@flamingostrategies.co.uk or
book in a call here to arrange a chat about what we did.