The warmer weather seemed to be finally here, and then, in typical British fashion, it started raining again!
It’s been a month of birthdays, client wins and counting flamingos…
Here are some of our highlights from the past month:

Not one, but FOUR?
Across a team of six, what are the chances of FOUR of our Flamingos having their birthdays in the same two weeks?
We celebrated Rich, George, Chris and Oscar’s birthdays with sparklers, cakes and balloons!
Wishing one last belated happy birthday to 66.6% of our wonderful team.
Make your workplace a positive one
13-17 May marks Mental Health Awareness Week and since we spend, on average, 90,000 hours at work across our lifetime, we thought it was the perfect chance to look at the importance of mental health in the workplace.
This article explores some of the root causes and how you can take steps towards making your work environment the most enjoyable it can be.
Plus, the Flamingo team share what helps them stay on top of their own mental health.
Plenty of tips to consider!
How many flamingos?
In case you missed it, the Flamingo team had great fun celebrating International Flamingo Day by counting every single* flamingo in our office.
We found our feathered friends on everything from coasters to canvases, jigsaw puzzles, mouse mats, pens and even teabag rests.
*We have since found a few more!
Stay ahead of the curve
B2B marketing is a tricky thing to navigate – even for the experts at times!
That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive B2B marketing guide to help you approach marketing in the best possible way for your business.
Our guide covers how you can get to know the industry, understand the buyer journey and build a content marketing strategy that suits you and your potential customers.
We hope it’s helpful, but if you need extra guidance, you know where we are!
Shh… it’s exclusive!
Have you joined our exclusive Facebook community yet?
Each week, we’re sharing marketing tips, tricks and resources specifically for business owners. Make the most of all this free knowledge!
Thanks for reading and we'll be back next month!
Team Flamingo 🦩
Request a brochure
Considering working with a marketing agency? You can request a copy of our brochure here.
Just fill in your details, and we’ll pop one in the post!
We’re here to help!
We’d love to offer you 60 minutes of our time to find out more about what you do for your customers and show you how we would tackle your marketing (and messaging) to drive the best results. We’ll spend up to 60 minutes on Teams where you can share what you’re doing marketing-wise and we can give you some ideas, feedback and suggestions of additional things to throw into the mix.
You can watch the video below to find out more.