May 2023 Newsletter

We are one month away from our 4th birthday, and as always, there is plenty to talk about in this month’s newsletter. So, let’s get stuck in!


Branding – and why it’s so important.

We recently shared a photo on our social media channels of our brand-new sign up on our office building.

Over the past 6 months, we’ve really been focusing on our brand and how we are perceived by our target audience. This has included updating our website, creating company values, getting our sign up outside and re-doing our brochure which have all contributed to our new look and feel.

If you're keen to have a conversation about your branding, you can book in a call to discuss what you’re currently doing.

We also wrote a blog a while back that might be useful called ‘Why brand and message and ALWAYS the best place to start when marketing your business’ – you can read that here.

3 things to consider when choosing your new marketing agency

Did you know the most successful businesses typically spend between 5-20% of their annual revenue on marketing?

That’s a large chunk of your budget, so how do you know whether a marketing agency is the right fit for your business? And more importantly… how do you find the right one for you?

In our latest blog we take a look at the 3 things to consider when choosing a marketing agency.

You can read it here

Request a brochure

Considering working with a marketing agency? You can request a copy of our brochure here.

Just fill in your details, and we’ll pop one in the post!

We’re here to help!

We’d love to offer you 60 minutes of our time to find out more about what you do for your customers and show you how we would tackle your marketing (and messaging) to drive the best results. We’ll spend up to 60 minutes on Teams where you can share what you’re doing marketing-wise and we can give you some ideas, feedback and suggestions of additional things to throw into the mix.

You can watch the video below to find out more.