Learning the Ropes: My Work Experience Placement

Work experience can be a pretty daunting time. In our teenage years, most of us have very little idea of where our careers will lead us – and we might not even know what route we want to go down.

That’s why our MD, Emma, decided to offer a work experience placement this summer to introduce the complex world of marketing to someone brave enough to want to get involved!

During our week with Danai, the whole team were so impressed by her tenacity and willingness to learn about every aspect of marketing and take the first steps towards an exciting career.

As part of her placement, we asked Danai to write a blog to share what she set out to achieve, how she found her time with us and what she has learnt along the way.

Here’s what Danai had to say…

Many students around the UK will attend a work experience placement. I am lucky enough to have completed mine with Flamingo and they’ve given me the incredible opportunity to write about it.

Since I am interested in a career in marketing and management, I was looking for some more experience and a true representation of what office work would be like. I hoped to learn more about a variety of paths I could travel and understand the skills that must be refined and the responsibilities that must be held to succeed in this industry.

Therefore, I decided that a marketing agency would be suitable since they’d have professionals from all branches of marketing, and they’d work with a range of clients and industries so I could see if there were any I preferred.

This led me to Flamingo Marketing Strategies, which was everything I wished for, and more.

I spent the week learning about paper (which is far more interesting than it sounds), compiling reporting data, experimenting with graphic design, writing social posts, attending an event, shadowing the team and being surrounded by flamingos (and bright, bearded men)!


Accessing the opportunity

This work experience opportunity presented itself because both Emma and I decided to have ‘one more try’ when we were both close to giving up.

I am lucky that my school encourages early applications for placements. After an introductory assembly, I set to email local marketing agencies.

I drafted and redrafted, hoping to present my previous experience and the skills I have to offer, but many of my emails were met with rejection due to my age or even worse, ignored.

I began to look further afield and was instantly drawn to Flamingo because of its professional website, inspiring story, and (of course) all the pink.

Once again, I edited my email in hopes that it’d win me the opportunity to work alongside the team but was still doubtful after my unsuccessful attempts. Emma scheduled a call with me, explaining that she’d previously had a placement who didn’t attend.

Despite this, she decided to take a chance on me.


The placement

I had the chance to shadow all the professionals in the office, gaining insight into a variety of marketing careers and responsibilities. I watched sales calls and content meetings, noting Emma and the team’s approaches to helping clients. I was then given the opportunity to join group discussions when planning social posts and to work with each member of the team closely to understand their roles.

Writing and editing a job description gave me an insight into an employer’s priorities in this field of work, whilst emphasising the importance of grammar and having an excellent grasp of language and tone of voice. This will aid my future applications and has made me reflect on the skills that I should try to refine.

Compiling report data from Google Analytics is an integral skill, since data is so central to the marketing industry and Oscar changed me from a totally clueless and technologically-challenged person to just a technologically-challenged person (he may be great but he’s not a miracle worker!).

I loved learning about the company in more depth when attending the Midlands Business Network Expo and watching Emma’s seminar. The event was packed with a variety of businesses, entrepreneurs, opportunity-building conversations, and of course, most importantly, free pens!

Lastly, Eddy and Chris gave me a ‘marketing brain dump’ which involved interesting campaigns, approaches to damage control when a mistake has been made, and the power of print marketing.

Chris is passionate about print and talked about paper caliper and print finishes, and explained how they can affect the quality of the product. I now can’t look at prints in the same way and I am amazed at the attention to detail that goes into something so seemingly simple.


Here's my advice...

  • Apply as early as possible! Many schools and colleges offer the opportunity at similar times, meaning that countless other students will email with the same intentions, and your chances of success will depreciate as the time approaches.
  • Short and sweet! Schoolwork can often get us in the habit of babbling or waffling to reach a word count. Don’t! The people you’re emailing likely don’t have the time to read an essay. Prioritise relevant work experience, the reason for contacting and any information that you’re confident will strengthen the application.
  • Remember they want you too! Many organisations love investing in the younger generation and gaining a bit of help in the process. Try not to be discouraged by rejection.
  • Research. When applying and before attending ensure to do some research into the company and arrive prepared. This will make you feel more confident.

The team has been so welcoming to me, and I’ve enjoyed every second of my week at Flamingo. I am so grateful that I sent that one last email and even more grateful that Emma took a chance on me and that I got to meet her and her incredible team.

Thank you!

