November 2023 Newsletter

A month of firsts…

The nights are drawing in, the heating has been turned on and as we make plans to put our Flamingo Christmas tree up later this week (and stock up on mince pies and yule logs for any visitors, of course!), we can’t believe that we are almost at the end of another fantastic year!

We have had another great month here at Flamingo, so let’s jump right in.

Webinar Success!

On Thursday 16 November 2023, Emma hosted her first-ever webinar, and it was a great success.

She presented a 60-minute email marketing masterclass, and the feedback was incredible!

Comments such as “A great webinar. Really informative and practical - thank you!” and “Absolutely incredible Emma, really helpful – so many ideas to implement” were two of many positive responses to the content!

If you missed out and you are interested in finding out more, email us at and we can send over the recording link – it’s definitely worth a watch.

Alternatively, Emma will be delivering the same talk, live on stage, at Aston Villa FC on Tuesday 28 November at the Midlands Business Network Expo. If you want to come along, you can grab a FREE ticket here. Find out more below...


Team Social

Earlier this month, to celebrate some of our accomplishments here at Flamingo (from winning awards to running webinars and lots in between), we decided a team social was in order so we went bowling! 🎳

There were definitely some more competitive bowlers *cough, cough – Oscar and Eddy* who both ironically didn't win, as the girls took all the glory!

We all had a great time hanging out beyond the walls of Flamingo HQ, even if Emma did spend £4 on the arcades which got her just one small packet of Parma Violets... 🍬


CEO/Director of the Year!

We’re proud to announce that Emma has won the Warwickshire Awards, Business Awards UK, Woman in Business – CEO/Director of the Year.

After setting up Flamingo just a little over 4 years ago, this is her first personal award – a great achievement, and hopefully one of many more to come!

We’ve all been saying for a long time how wonderful she is when it comes to running the business, from the culture she’s created, to the work environment we have here and the relationship she has with our clients. So, we’re pleased to see Emma being recognised for her achievements.

No doubt this will result in a lot more articles, speaking slots and maybe even a podcast... so keep your eyes peeled for what she does next 👀

See you at Aston Villa FC for the MBNE

After exhibiting at a number of events throughout 2023, we've got another coming up!

On Tuesday 28 November, we will be at the Midlands Business Networking Expo at Aston Villa FC along with 1,200 other business owners, and sticking with the theme of 'firsts', Emma will be delivering a talk all about the power of email marketing.

It's an ongoing joke in our office that as she can stand and sing in front of hundreds when performing in musicals, she doesn't need to be apprehensive about public speaking. You never know, perhaps 'Email Marketing: The Musical' might be soon coming to stage near you...

So, if you’re heading over there next week, be sure to say hello - I'm sure she’ll appreciate seeing some familiar faces in the crowd!

Tickets are free, so be sure to grab one while they are still available.

Get your ticket here.

As always, another month full of great news!

We can’t wait to see what the final month of 2023 has in store for us! We look forward to updating you soon...

Team Flamingo 🦩

Request a brochure

Considering working with a marketing agency? You can request a copy of our brochure here.

Just fill in your details, and we’ll pop one in the post!

We’re here to help!

We’d love to offer you 60 minutes of our time to find out more about what you do for your customers and show you how we would tackle your marketing (and messaging) to drive the best results. We’ll spend up to 60 minutes on Teams where you can share what you’re doing marketing-wise and we can give you some ideas, feedback and suggestions of additional things to throw into the mix.

You can watch the video below to find out more.