Andy Chandler – Andy Chandler Associates

“We are just about to start our third month with Flamingo Marketing Strategies and already we can see huge potential in the campaigns Emma and her team have pulled together. Our first month saw a 400% return on investment from our very first campaign. Not only has Flamingo’s efforts re-connected me with my entire LinkedIn contacts list (and created me an actual data list at the same time!) it’s also generated some fantastic conversations. As well as re-engaging with existing contacts, I’m connecting with up to 30 new relevant people every single week as well as creating exciting new content to share with my network AND becoming more active on social media. In the first two weeks working with Emma’s team I got an enquiry from someone I’d consider to be a ‘dream list’ client. I really like Emma’s style of marketing campaigns, she’s captured how I like to communicate very quickly and her email copy and LinkedIn messages are generating great levels of engagement. We also get on brilliantly which makes it even more enjoyable to work together! I can’t wait to see what next month brings and would highly recommend Flamingo to anyone who is serious about growing their business!”