Year four, month one.
Here we go!
Exciting times ahead… but here’s what’s been happening at Flamingo HQ over the past couple of months.
We are ready to share some VERY exciting news with you.
Over the last three years we have been working with our clients, building their LinkedIn connections and setting up marketing nurture email funnels that build relationships, instigate conversations and ultimately get them new clients.
We’ve created a brand-new offering, called Prospect100. Starting at £750+vat per month, you’ll be handed 100 prospects on a database, every single month. You tell us who you want to work with, and we will find you the right people and open the doors for you.
Intrigued, find out more here.

A month of wins
We don’t shout enough about what we get up to, nor about what we do for our clients. However, a lot has happened over the past few weeks, so we are going to go against the norm and share some of our success stories with you.
In June we signed up a worldwide band that cover weddings and corporate events – offering a 24-piece orchestra, they are out of this world. We also started working with one of the UK’s most well-known and long-standing coach companies that has been going for over 100 years.
One of our clients has just won a project worth £140,000. This conversation was initiated using our lead generation approach combining LinkedIn and email marketing.
Another client managed to get calls booked in with THREE world-renowned multi-billion pound companies from his very first campaign with us.
Content-wise, another one of our clients (a leading battery manufacturer for electric vehicles) have seen a massive lift on their engagement on LinkedIn, and the trends piece our team wrote for them generated several good conversations with target leads within the first week of it going live.
So as you can see, we aren’t your typical marketing agency. Yes, we can do all the standard stuff such as social media and websites. However, targeted lead generation and well researched content creation is where we put our focus.
Want to find out how we might be able to support you – book a call here.

We won a prize for closing the business!
It’s a small thing really, but the concept behind it is something I want to share with you as it was enough to win us a prize, so there must be value in it!
I recently attended a business growth, one day event. I was surrounded by 75 business owners all from different industries, all at different stages of their business.
At one point during the day, we all had to write down on our tables of 6, successes we have seen in the last 90 days. Between 6 of us, there was around 30-40 successes. Some big, some small. Across 12 tables, we covered an entire glass wall in coloured sticky notes of success stories.
I shared with the table that in May, we introduced one day a month where we close the business, and work ON the business. We have had 2 of these days now and because of it, we are actually making time to:
a) market ourselves more
b) think about different things we should be doing for us, and therefore our clients too
c) finally get round to launching our new ideas – Prospect100 being one of two, brand new offerings we are bringing out over the next 3 months.

So if you know that your list of things you want to do for your own business (whether they are marketing related or just admin related) is ever growing, maybe you should consider closing your business for one day a month too. However, if that isn’t possible but you love the idea of getting your marketing to-do’s ticked off, we might know of someone who can help 😉
Have a great July!